• Molecules in the peculiar age-defying source IRAS 19312+1950

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Context. IRAS 19312+1950 is an isolated infrared source that exhibits a characteristic quasi-point-symmetric morphology in the near- and mid-infrared images and is also very bright in molecular radio lines. Because of its unique observational characteristics, various observational studies have been conducted and several hypotheses have been proposed regarding its origin, which is still unclear. So far, it has been suggested that it could be a peculiar evolved star, a young stellar object, or even a red nova remnant. Regardless of which type of object it is ultimately classified as, IRAS 19312+1950 is exceptionally bright in the infrared and molecular radio lines and therefore will undoubtedly be crucial as a prototype of this kind of object having a peculiar nature or unusual evolutionary phase. Aims. This study aims to reveal the molecular composition of the central part of IRAS 19312+1950 by performing an unbiased molecular radio line survey and discussing the origin of the object from a molecular chemical point of view. Methods. We carried out a spectral line survey with the IRAM 30 m telescope towards the center of IRAS 19312+1950 in the 3 and 1.3 mm windows. Results. In total, 28 transition lines of 22 molecular species and those isotopologues are detected towards IRAS 19312+1950, some of which exhibit a broad and a narrow components. Seventeen thermal lines and 1 maser line are newly detected. The molecular species of C$^{17}$O, $^{30}$SiO, HN$^{13}$C, HC$^{18}$O$^{+}$, H$_{2}$CO, and $c$-C$_{3}$H$_{2}$ are detected for the first time in this object. Conclusions. Our results, in combination with previous studies, favor the hypothesis that IRAS 19312+1950 might be a red nova remnant, in which the progenitors that merged to become a red nova may have contained at least two evolved stars with oxygen-rich and carbon-rich chemistry, respectively.

  • Molecules in the peculiar age-defying source IRAS 19312+1950

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Context. IRAS 19312+1950 is an isolated infrared source that exhibits a characteristic quasi-point-symmetric morphology in the near- and mid-infrared images and is also very bright in molecular radio lines. Because of its unique observational characteristics, various observational studies have been conducted and several hypotheses have been proposed regarding its origin, which is still unclear. So far, it has been suggested that it could be a peculiar evolved star, a young stellar object, or even a red nova remnant. Regardless of which type of object it is ultimately classified as, IRAS 19312+1950 is exceptionally bright in the infrared and molecular radio lines and therefore will undoubtedly be crucial as a prototype of this kind of object having a peculiar nature or unusual evolutionary phase. Aims. This study aims to reveal the molecular composition of the central part of IRAS 19312+1950 by performing an unbiased molecular radio line survey and discussing the origin of the object from a molecular chemical point of view. Methods. We carried out a spectral line survey with the IRAM 30 m telescope towards the center of IRAS 19312+1950 in the 3 and 1.3 mm windows. Results. In total, 28 transition lines of 22 molecular species and those isotopologues are detected towards IRAS 19312+1950, some of which exhibit a broad and a narrow components. Seventeen thermal lines and 1 maser line are newly detected. The molecular species of C$^{17}$O, $^{30}$SiO, HN$^{13}$C, HC$^{18}$O$^{+}$, H$_{2}$CO, and $c$-C$_{3}$H$_{2}$ are detected for the first time in this object. Conclusions. Our results, in combination with previous studies, favor the hypothesis that IRAS 19312+1950 might be a red nova remnant, in which the progenitors that merged to become a red nova may have contained at least two evolved stars with oxygen-rich and carbon-rich chemistry, respectively.

  • Structural transitions of centromeric chromatin regulate the cell cycle-dependent recruitment of CENP-N

    分类: 生物学 >> 生物物理学 >> 细胞生物学 提交时间: 2016-05-12

    摘要: Specific recognition of centromere-specific histone variant CENP-A-containing chromatin by CENP-N is an essential process in the assembly of the kinetochore complex at centromeres prior to mammalian cell division. However, the mechanisms of CENP-N recruitment to centromeres/kinetochores remain unknown. Here, we show that a CENP-A-specific RG loop (Arg80/Gly81) plays an essential and dual regulatory role in this process. The RG loop assists the formation of a compact "ladder-like" structure of CENP-A chromatin, concealing the loop and thus impairing its role in recruiting CENP-N. Upon G1/S-phase transition, however, centromeric chromatin switches from the compact to an open state, enabling the now exposed RG loop to recruit CENP-N prior to cell division. Our results provide the first insights into the mechanisms by which the recruitment of CENP-N is regulated by the structural transitions between compaction and relaxation of centromeric chromatin during the cell cycle.